How to Make Philly Cheese Steak With Steak Ums

Quick Hits Part 2

Don LeMon's legal team sends Megyn Kelly a threatening letter over her interview with the man LeMon sexually assaulted.

In a legal letter obtained by Radar, Lemon's lawyer Caroline J. Polisi accuses Megyn of leaving her listeners with a "lopsided and inaccurate understanding" of what Dustin Hice claims went down between him and Lemon at a Long Island bar in the summer of 2018.

"You permitted Mr. Hice's statements to go unchallenged during your broadcast, clearly out of a vendetta you have against Mr. Lemon," the letter reads.


Polisi adds that Megyn should of, "at a minimum," spent the time to review the filings on the public docket which she says "substantially undermines Mr. Hice�s credibility and as well as the outlandish story he fabricated about Mr. Lemon."

She also has an issue with Megyn calling Hice a sexual assault accuser. "That claim is false, and you are now on notice," Polisi firmly states.

Oh, f*** you.

I don't think Megyn Kelly will back down. I think this will just encourage her.

Here is that interview with Don LeMon's victim.

Ed Durr respons to requests to appear on CNN:

Matthew Foldi

Ed Durr attacks "leftist media": no CNN, MSNBC

"As if I would ever appear on a show with Anderson Cooper or Chris Cuomo...There is absolutely no way I will accept an invitation from CNN, MSNBC...[they] can go find another way to pull their ratings out of the toilet"

A new poll by Hill-HarrisX poll (the sluttiest of all polls) finds widespread public revulsion with cancel culture -- from the right and on the left, too.

The Hill-HarrisX poll used the Merriam-Webster definition to define cancel culture: Cancel culture is defined as "the practice or tendency of engaging in mass canceling as a way of expressing disapproval and exerting social pressure."

Seventy-six percent of Republicans, 70 percent of Democrats, and 68 percent of independents said they either strongly or somewhat agree cancel culture has gone too far.

The Hill-HarrisX poll was conducted online among 930 registered voters between Nov. 2 and 3. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.2 percentage points.

Via Jazz Shaw at Hot Air, apparently there are nine distinct political categories.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson's attempt to re-cast science into a Religion of Thought Control is rebutted by... Steak-Umm frozen steaks.

Screenshot (766).png

Erik Wemple at the Washington Post, as excerpted by John Sexton at Hot Air: Are the media figures and outlets who pushed the 100% false Russiagate hoax going to account for their actions and apologize?

Spoiler: No.


The Wall Street Journal on Friday published a story noting that the indictment contradicted the newspaper�s original reporting on Millian. "We will continue to follow the Danchenko case closely and report updates as they develop," a Journal spokesperson said in a statement. We asked the Journal if it intended to add an editor�s note/correction/retraction to the January 2017 story. A spokesperson declined to elaborate.

Note that the WSJ's "reportorial" bureau is as leftwing as any of the rest of them. Do not think they're talking about Kim Strassel, who works for the editorial page.

The Post also covered the indictment's implications for its previous story. Executive Editor Sally Buzbee said in a statement: "The indictment raises new questions about whether Sergei Millian was a source for the Steele dossier, as The Post reported in 2017. We are continuing to report on the origins and ramifications of the document." In a follow-up inquiry, we asked whether The Post is reviewing its previous work on Millian and whether it would publish its findings. A spokesperson for the newspaper declined to comment beyond Buzbee's statement.

ABC News issued this statement: "We are reviewing this in light of new developments."

News organizations may face a mismatch as they place their reporting alongside the indictment. Where the indictment relies on emails, interviews and other powerful investigative tools, the Journal�s initial scoop cited a single anonymous source. The sourcing for the The Post�s reporting about Millian's alleged conversation is unclear, while ABC News attributes its primary assertion to "a person familiar with the raw intelligence provided to the FBI."

Speaking of: Will NeverTrump media figures apologize and account for their actions? Will HotAir's AllahPundit?

This is no spoiler at all: No. They call for honesty and integrity in others only. For themselves, they believe only in what they'd call a "Trumpy" relationship with accountability and the truth.

PROSECUTOR: "You decided you needed to run because of the fire?"


P: "Why? What was so urgent?"

R: "It was a fire."

P: "There's fires all over the place. So?"

— (@townhallcom) November 10, 2021

It doesn't get much SWAMPIER than this! Ultimate Fake News Fraud Chris WALLACE brags with his SWAMP FRIENDS about some phony SWAMP AWARD that they're ALL getting at some SWAMP BANQUET. (No offense to Hemmer. I always liked "Bill"

— Greg Kelly--LET'S GO BRANDON! (@gregkellyusa) November 8, 2021

Posted by: Ace at 05:48 PM

How to Make Philly Cheese Steak With Steak Ums


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